Sébastien Willis

I am an applied microeconomist, specialising in labour and development economics. My work focuses in particular on the labour market outcomes of migrants in developed and developing countries.

I am currently a researcher at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF) at Uppsala University, research coordinator for the Uppsala Immigration Lab and am affiliated to UCLS and TTPI. I received my PhD in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Email: sebastien.willis [at] nek.uu.se  /  Curriculum Vitae

Working papers

Workplace segregation and the labour market performance of immigrants
CESifo Working Paper No. 9895, R&R Labour Economics

Professional networks and the labour market assimilation of immigrants (with Olof Åslund and Mattias Engdahl)
IFAU Working Paper 2024:9

The dynamics of ethnic segregation in the German labour market

Work in progress

It's who you know: Job search, professional connections, and inequality
Draft available on request

Language learning and immigrant integration in Sweden