Sébastien Willis
I am an applied economist, specialising in labour economics and the economics of migration.
My work focuses in particular on the use of personal networks in job search and on the labour market outcomes of migrants.
I am currently a researcher at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF) at Uppsala University, research coordinator for the Uppsala Immigration Lab and am affiliated to UCLS and TTPI.
I received my PhD in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
I am on the academic job market in 2024–25.
Email: sebastien.willis [at] ibf.uu.se  / 
Curriculum Vitae
Job Market Paper
It's who you used to know: Professional networks, heterogeneity, and inequality
I study the effect of an exogenous reduction in the size of a worker's professional network, due to the unexpected death of a past coworker. Using administrative data from Sweden and a matched event study, I find that unexpectedly losing a connection lowers employment by 0.4 percentage points after two years, with slightly larger effects on earnings. Workers are less likely to work in the deceased connection's past workplace post-treatment and treated unemployed workers, in particular, take longer to find a job. I explore heterogeneity in the empirical value of a connection, using the Generalised Random Forest. Valuable connections were older and higher-earning before their death and had a smaller set of connections competing to receive information from them. Using these estimates to quantify the total value of a worker's network I find that removing networks would increase inequality. Workers at the 25th percentile of earnings become 10 percentage points less likely to be employed after losing their network, while workers at the 75th percentile of earnings are not affected.
Working papers
Work in progress
Language learning and immigrant integration in Sweden
I am conducting a survey of immigrants' subjective beliefs about the returns to language learning, in collaboration with Uppsala municipality. Ethical approval granted (Dnr 2024-04412-01), pilots completed, data collection ongoing (November 2024).
Peer effects in immigrant language classes (with Olof Åslund and Mattias Engdahl)
Grants awarded
Language learning and immigrant integration in Sweden
IFAU, 976 000 SEK (€85 000), 2025–26
Academic visit to Australian National University
Handelsbankens stiftelser 30 000 SEK (€2 600), 2024